結合日式和西洋靈氣 Working with Japanese and Western Reiki

結合日式和西洋靈氣 |  2014.12.16

Japanese and Western Reiki

結合日式和西洋靈氣 Working with Japanese and Western Reiki
威廉·李連 William Lee Rand

在過去的歲月裡,我們被教導有關於自己所學的靈氣是由臼井老師所教導的技術。 但在Arjava Petter與他的妻子 Chetna Kobayashi、土居裕老師和其他人所做的研究中,我們對臼井靈氣取得了突破性的理解,並讓西方人了解到許多傳統的新技術。 這與我們原先被告知的臼井靈氣形成了對比,但我們現在了解到實際上我們原先所學是靈氣傳到西方後發展的技術。

當我們第一次開始獲得這種理解時,許多人認為比較理想的是只練習日式的靈氣,並儘可能接近原本臼井老師的指導與練習。 但是現在我們已經有時間練習日本的靈氣技巧並將它們與西方的靈氣風格進行相互的比較,對什麼可能是最好的方法有了更好的理解。

高田夫人向西方國家展示的靈氣技術,她個人宣稱源自於臼井老師且未曾改變。 然而,現在我們與許多人已經突破了在日本研究靈氣的障礙,我們發現高田女士教授的大部分技術主要是她自己的創新,也可能是林忠次郎的創新。 將她的風格與臼井博士的風格進行了比較,可以說在很多情況下,她的靈氣風格與臼井老師是完全相反的。

高田夫人的風格仰賴於記住規則並按照對每個客戶都保持不變的標準程序進行靈氣工作。 這包括進行治療的標準手位姿勢。 結果最後變得如此極端,以至於當我試圖通過將手放在腿上給自己靈氣時,我的第一位靈氣老師非常強調地告訴我“那不是靈氣”,因為它不是標準手位之一。 我發現這種態度令人感到窒息,因為它並不支持學生對靈氣的內在意識的發展與使用。 它也沒有承認每個客戶都有不同的需求。 然而,情況並非總是如此,因為高田的教導風格中確實包括一些讓靈氣之手自由引導的方式(靈示法),但這只是在給予標準手位治療之後。

儘管該系統存在一些限制,但它仍然具有其價值。 通過將手均勻地放在身體的大部分位置上,讓整個人都得到了治療,從而創造了平衡。 此外,通過使用這種技術,您可以自動處理最需要的區域,無論您是否知道它們位於何處。 因此,雖然高田夫人的風格可能造成局限性,但它幾乎可以讓任何人都產生接近一致的治療結果。

1980 年 12 月高田夫人去世後,有一段時間,她的大多數學生都繼續按照她所教的方式練習。 但幾年後,一些人開始試驗並引導、開發或發布新的靈氣系統。 其中第一個是Mari-el和Radiance Technique。 隨之而來的還有更多,現在西方至少有 30 種不同的靈氣正在流傳中。 在這樣的環境中,如果要明智地選擇要學習的靈氣系統,就需要清楚地了解自己的個人需求以及遵循內在指導的能力。


臼井老師的風格代表了一種不同的方法。 他並沒有標準的手部姿勢。 他教他的學生使用自己的直覺來指導他們放置手位的能力。 這通常會為每個客戶帶來獨特的治療。 他教授了幾種如何這樣子做的技術,包括 病腺(Byosen) 掃描,其中一個人使用手的敏感性來找到需要靈氣的區域以及 靈示法(Reiji-ho),其中一個人直接用直覺或內在的感受來了解客戶的能量在哪個領域失去平衡,且需要靈氣。 這種風格驗證了自己的微妙意識並鼓勵其發展。 它還允許人們與靈氣能量建立工作關係,從而受到其潛在的指導。

除了上述技巧外,臼井老師還教授合掌冥想法(Gassho)、乾浴法(Kenyoku),這是一種清潔能量的方法,呼氣法(Koki-ho),一種使用呼吸治癒的方法,凝視法(Gyoshi-ho),一種用眼睛發送靈氣的方法 ,邪氣切斷法(Jacki-Kiri Joka-ho),一種清除物體負能量的方法和遠隔治療法(Enkaku chiryo),一種發送遠距離治療的方法。

由此可以看出,高田夫人的風格側重於每個客戶都使用統一背誦的治療程序,並且只使用手來傳遞靈氣。 相比之下,臼井老師的風格靈活,著重治療師的發展意識,根據客戶的特定需求並提供獨特的治療。 他還教瞭如何不僅用手,還用呼吸和眼睛發送靈氣,還包括其他技巧。

由於這些風格中的每一種都如此不同,起初許多人認為他們必須在它們之間做出選擇。 既然靈氣來自臼井博士,似乎合乎邏輯的選擇是盡可能接近臼井博士的風格來練習靈氣。 然而,既然我們有時間練習和比較這兩種風格,許多人得出的結論是,既然兩種風格都有價值,最好的方法就是將它們整合起來。 感覺是通過將西方和日本風格結合在一個系統中,實現了兩全其美。 更加線性、邏輯和左腦的西式風格可以平衡日式風格,後者是更加開放、直觀和右腦化的。

很高興看到靈氣展現的如此美妙。 當我們專注於靈氣並讓它引導我們時,我們會發現靈氣如何通過我們表達更高層次的和諧與平衡。 起初似乎是衝突的東西正在變成互補風格的美麗融合。 這將為我們自己、我們的客戶和我們周圍的世界帶來更高水平的健康和幸福的可能性。 願我們都被允許選擇越來越多的和平、自由和愛。

《Phyllis Lei Furumoto接受80年代電視訪問》
《大師訪談-土居裕大師專訪 》

Working with Japanese and Western Reiki
by William Lee Rand

In the past several years we’ve learned a lot about the Reiki taught by Dr. Usui. The research done by Arjava Petter, his wife Chetna Kobayashi, Mr. Doi and others have created a breakthrough in our understanding of Usui Reiki and informed us of many techniques new to the West. This contrasts with what we had been told was Usui Reiki, but what we now understand was actually a Western development. When we first began to gain this understanding, many thought that the ideal would be to practice only the Japanese style of Reiki and to stay as close to what Dr. Usui practiced as possible. But now that we have had time to practice the Japanese Reiki techniques and compare them with the Western style, a better understanding has developed about what might be the best approach.

The style of Reiki presented to the West by Mrs. Takata, was promoted by her as being the unaltered methods of Dr. Usui. However, now that many have broken through the barriers that prevented us from researching Reiki in Japan, we have discovered that most of the techniques Mrs. Takata taught were mainly of her own creation and possibly that of Dr. Hayashi. When comparing her style with that of Dr. Usui, one could say that in many cases her’s was methodically opposite to what Dr. Usui practiced.

Mrs. Takata’s style relied on memorizing rules and working with standard procedures that remained the same for each client. This included the standard hand positions for giving a treatment. This was followed to such an extreme that when I attempted to give myself Reiki by placing my hands on my legs, my first Reiki teacher told me in a very emphatic way that “that is not Reiki” because it was not one of the standard hand positions. I found this attitude stifling, as it did not support the development or use of the student’s inner awareness of Reiki. It also didn’t acknowledge the differing needs of each client. However, this was not always the case as the Takata style did include some reference to allowing your Reiki hands to guide you, but this was only after one had given the standard treatment.

Even though there are some limitations to this system, it still has value. By placing the hands evenly over most of the body, the whole person is treated, thus creating balance. In addition, by using this technique, one treats the areas of greatest need automatically whether you know where they are located or not. So, while the Takata style may have limits, it allows virtually anyone to produce consistent results.

After Mrs. Takata passed in December 1980, for a while most of her students continued to practice exactly as she had taught. But in a few years, some began to experiment and to channel, develop or release new systems of Reiki. The first of these were Mari-el and the Radiance Technique. Many more followed and there are now at least 30 different kinds of Reiki being practiced in the West. In an environment like this, one needs to have a clear understanding of ones personal needs and the ability to follow ones inner guidance if one is to wisely choose which Reiki system(s) to study.

While many new techniques have developed in the West, the same basic framework taught by Mrs. Takata seems to be the basis of most of these with treatments continuing to be based on her standard hand positions.

Dr. Usui’s style represents a different approach. He didn’t have standard hand positions. He taught his students to develop the ability to use ones intuition to guide one to the right hand placements. This often resulted in a unique treatment for each client. He taught several techniques for doing this including Byosen scanning wherein one uses the sensitivity in ones hands to find the areas needing Reiki as well as Reiji-ho in which one is guided directly with ones intuition or perhaps an inner sensitivity to know where the client’s energy field is out of balance and in need of Reiki. This style validates ones own subtle awareness and encourages its development. It also allows one to develop a working relationship with the Reiki energy and thus be guided by its potential.

In addition to the above techniques, Dr. Usui also taught Gassho meditation, Kenyoku or dry bathing which is a method for cleansing ones energy, Koki-ho, a method that uses the breath to heal, Gyoshi-ho, a method of sending Reiki with the eyes, Jacki-Kiri Joka-ho, a method for clearing negative energy from objects and Enkaku chiryo which is a method for sending distant healing.

From this we can see that Mrs. Takata’s style focused on a memorized system that was the same for each client and used only the hands to transmit Reiki. In contrast, Dr. Usui’s style was flexible and relied on the developed awareness of the practitioner to provide a unique treatment based on the specific needs of the client. He also taught how to send Reiki not only with the hands, but also with the breath, and the eyes and included other techniques as well.

Since each of these styles is so different, at first many thought that they would have to choose between them. And since Reiki came from Dr. Usui, it seemed that the logical choice would be to practice Reiki as closely to Dr. Usui’s style as possible. However, now that we have had time to practice and compare both styles, what many have concluded is that since both styles have value, the best approach would be to integrate them. The feeling is that by bringing both the Western and the Japanese styles together in one system, the best of both worlds is achieved. The Western style, which is more linear, logical and left brained balances the Japanese style, which is more open ended, intuitive and right brained.

It is a joy to see how wonderfully Reiki is unfolding. As we focus on Reiki and allow it to guide us, we discover greater levels of harmony and balance in how it can express through us. What at first seemed like a conflict is becoming a beautiful integration of complementary styles. This will lead to the possibility of even greater levels of health and well being for ourselves, our clients and the world around us. May we all be allowed to choose ever-increasing peace, freedom and love.

靈氣課程台北 學生心得靈氣課程推薦 靈氣問與答Q&A 給學生的一封信


《靈氣療法》 《能量治療》 《影片採訪》 《研究紀錄》 《中醫隨筆》 《知命識命》







    宇謙老師 【作者:宇謙老師】
    《轉載摘錄請標示出處/本站成立於2003年12月 》