靈氣能夠在傳統醫療選項中成為另一條出路 | 2021.10.08
靈氣如何拯救了我的人生 How Reiki Saved My Life
1994 年初,我接受了切除右側卵巢和闌尾的手術。手術後一年,我的闌尾切除部位仍然持續疼痛。我看過很多醫生,並進行了許多探索性的手術。但什麼也沒找到,雖然疼痛最後終於消退了。但這是加重我隨後各種疾病的許多壓力因素中的第一個。
到 1994 年底,我已準備好結束自己的生命。即使有朋友的幫助,我也無法照顧家人,更不用說工作了。我什至不能帶我五歲的女兒到另一個街區去上學。我丈夫不得不在家做所有的工作,並做一份全職工作。有很多次我會打電話給他下班回家,因為我對藥物或食物有反應。我把我放在房子裡的手槍的鑰匙給了他。最後,我打電話給一位心理專家,並要求在自殺監視下住院。
在這段經歷中,有時我可能有一個小時的時間可以站起來做點什麼。其中一次,我選擇做我在世界上最喜歡的事情:買布料。我遇到了一個很久沒見的朋友。她對我憔悴的外表感到震驚。當我向她描述我的病情時,另一個女人聽了我們的談話。她似乎想和我說話,但她忍住了。最後她說我患有慢性疲勞綜合症(chronic fatigue syndrome),而且我的故事聽起來很像她的狀況。她告訴我,洛杉磯一位出色的醫生曾經幫助過她,現在她感覺很棒。
我立即去看了這位醫生,他是過敏症專家和免疫學家。知道在這一點上,藥物或維生素無濟於事,他讓我嚴格只吃肉和蔬菜,以擺脫慢性疲勞患者普遍存在的全身性酵母菌問題。他還診斷出我患有EB病毒(Epstein-Barr virus)和纖維肌痛(Fibromyalgia),這是一年來醫生的首次診斷。
我原來的荷爾蒙問題仍然存在。出於這個原因和其他原因,我的新醫生建議我嘗試靈氣。 “那是什麼?”我問。他告訴我靈氣是一種能量治療方法,我不一定要理解或相信它才能幫助我。在這一點上,我很絕望,想嘗試任何事情。有時候,您病得很重,以至於您將以何種方式康復都無關緊要。只要不是侵入性的,不用口服任何藥物,我都願意嘗試。現代西醫讓我失望了,我顯然是被引導到這位醫生那裡尋求幫助的。所以我嘗試了靈氣。
《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》
How Reiki Saved My Life
In early 1994, I underwent surgery for the removal of my right ovary and appendix. For a year after the surgery I had continuing pain at the appendectomy site. I saw many doctors about this and had many exploratory procedures. Nothing was found and the pain eventually subsided. This was to be the first of many stressors that would add to my ensuing illness.
In addition to the unexplained pain, in the months after the surgery I had also developed some other strange problems. I started having severe anxiety attacks, severe fatigue, hot flashes and intolerance to heat and my hair was falling out. I realized these problems were happening during a certain week in my menstrual cycle. It appeared that my remaining ovary wasn’t functioning properly. I had many hormone tests, and they all came back normal. I tried using birth control pills, the patch and natural progesterone. None of these things helped—-in fact, I felt much worse. My gynecologist was at a loss. He had given me every known medicine he could think of.
The fatigue became unbearable. Traditional medicine wasn’t helping me so I tried an alternative path. I went to a homeopath, but I had such a severe reaction to the homeopathic remedy that my traditional doctor thought I had had a stroke. I could not move my head or arms for two weeks. The length of time that this response lasted is not often experienced with homeopathy, so there I was again—a medical anomaly. No one seemed able to help.
The symptoms continued to worsen. The anxiety attacks turned into full-blown nervous breakdowns with accompanying fatigue that was so bad I couldn’t get out of bed. I became allergic to most foods and medicines. The search for a doctor who could help was frustrating. Pretty soon they were saying it was all in my mind and tried to prescribe antidepressants. I had severe reactions to all medicines by this time and would go into shock each time I tried something new, even vitamins recommended for chronic fatigue syndrome.
By late 1994 I was ready to end my life. Even with the help of friends, I couldn’t care for my family, let alone function at a job. I couldn’t even take my five-year-old daughter one block to school. My husband had to do all the work at home and work a full-time job. There were many times that I would call him home from work because I was having a reaction to a medicine or a food. I gave him the keys to the pistol I kept in the house. Finally I called a psychologist and asked to be hospitalized on a suicide watch.
Thank goodness for my wonderful new therapist. He helped me to realize that my mind was fine. It was my body that was a mess. He did everything within his power just to be there for me and it was his never-ending support that helped me make it through the even worse times to come.
My body was dying. I couldn’t get out of bed, I couldn’t eat. The monthly nervous breakdowns were taking their toll on my immune system. My liver wasn’t functioning properly. Severe muscle spasms would keep me awake at night. I couldn’t get a diagnosis much less find an M.D. who would look beyond the typical blood tests. I prayed continually for help. And then one day I got it.
At times during this experience, I would have maybe an hour when I could stand up and do something. One of these times, I chose to do my most favorite thing in the world: shop for fabric. I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen for a long time. She was shocked at my emaciated appearance. As I was describing my illness to her, another woman listened to our conversation. She seemed to want to talk to me, but she held back. Eventually she said I had chronic fatigue syndrome and that my story sounded so much like hers. She told me of a wonderful doctor in Los Angeles who had helped her and that now she felt great.
I immediately went to this doctor, who was an allergist and immunologist. Knowing that at this point, medicines or vitamins wouldn’t help, he put me on a strict meat-and-vegetable-only diet to get rid of the systemic yeast problem that is so prevalent in chronic fatigue patients. He also diagnosed me with Epstein-Barr virus and fibromyalgia, the first diagnoses in a year’s worth of doctors.
Although many doctors underestimate the problems that a systemic yeast overgrowth can cause in the body when the entire immune system is over taxed, I am here to tell you that it is a very viable problem that can be extremely toxic. The change in my diet started to relieve the fatigue little by little.
My original hormonal problem still remained. For that reason and others, my new doctor recommended that I try Reiki. “What is that?” I asked. He told me that Reiki was an energy healing method and that I did not necessarily have to understand or believe in it for it to help me. At this point, I was desperate and would have tried anything. There is a point when you are so ill that it doesn’t matter what you will do to get well. As long as it was not invasive and I didn’t have to take any medication by mouth, I was willing to try it. Modern western medicine had failed me, and I was obviously led to this doctor for help. So I tried Reiki.
My Reiki practitioner was Diane. I had someone drive me to L.A. every two weeks for a one-hour session. The sessions were so simple. Diane simply laid her hands on my body while I was fully clothed, and that was it! Her hands would get very hot. Within two months my improvement was very noticeable.
Diane told me that I could learn Reiki for myself and Reiki would not deplete my energy. This was so important because I had none to give. I took the first class and practiced it every day without fail. Two months later I took the level II class. Within six months, my fatigue and hormonal problems had simply and gently faded away.
Today I feel fantastic—probably better than I have in my entire life. Not only have I healed the problems that I have told you about, I have also healed lifelong problems with eczema, hypoglycemia and back pain. I have taken all of the Reiki classes and can now teach it to others. I still do Reiki on myself every single day.
To all of you who have illnesses deemed non-curable by traditional standards, I say, “Do not give up; never give up!” There is a way for you to be well. Our loving God wants all of us to live in love and wellness. I pray for all of you to be led down your path of health as I was. Perhaps Reiki will be your way too.
Author Name:
DeAnn Upton
《靈氣療法》 《能量治療》 《影片採訪》 《研究紀錄》 《中醫隨筆》 《知命識命》
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- 【影片】美國 Channel 7 新聞-靈氣與白血病
- 【影片】澳洲 Channel 7 新聞-靈氣與癌症
- 【影片】2018靈氣國際研討會紀實
- 【影片】英國BBC節目介紹-靈氣治療
- 【影片】美國ABC新聞介紹-靈氣與自閉症
- 【影片】美國ABC新聞介紹-靈氣健康服務
- 【影片】英國聖喬治醫院靈氣研究計畫募款
- 【影片】奧茲博士.介紹靈氣並示範
《轉載摘錄請標示出處/本站成立於2003年12月 》
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